Experience the Luxury of Mattsons Mattresses
Welcome to our selection of Mattsons mattresses. Each mattress is a testament to Mattsons' commitment to quality, comfort, and sustainable design. Handcrafted in Sweden, these mattresses are built with the finest materials and offer a luxurious sleeping experience. Explore our collection and find the perfect mattress for your needs.
Designed for ultimate comfort and absolute elegance.
Flagship model built with the finest materials.
Offers unparalleled support and comfort.
Features two separate spring systems enveloped in layers of organic cotton, New Zealand Tokowool, flax, and fine spun MCC™ horsehair.
Handcrafted in Falkenberg, Sweden.
Type: Continental bed.
Size: 58 cm (base and mattress).

Built on a base of Swedish slow-growing pine.
Offers a responsive, steady support system for a soft deep sleep.
Features two separate heights of pocket spring system combined with layers of cotton, wool, and horsehair.
Handcrafted in Falkenberg, Sweden.
Type: Continental bed.
Size: 57 cm (base and mattress).